About the company

The company "Tomaszek" is on the Polish market since 1975.
It was founded by Thomas Tomalak who is the current owner. Despite the dynamic development the company has the family character and friendly atmosphere.
From the beginning of its activity it is located in Częstochowa. Here we have our headquarters and warehouses. Not only we cooperate with our Polish customer but as well we work with international companies.
We import, export and distribute seasonal goods like:
We are a leading importer of sunglasses in this part of Europe. We offer you over 3000 models of sunglasses. We have collections of many well-known manufacturers, as well as models designed by our designers. Our collections and trademarks are protected by the Patent Office.
Another industry in which we operate are fireworks. The wide range of fireworks that we offer our customers are articles for amateurs and professionals.
We are licensed to organize professional fireworks shows. Every year, we direct and prepare the show "Avenue of the Stars in Sport", which takes place during summer.
We also produce and sale grave candles. Our customers are retailers, wholesalers, local and international supermarket chains, petrol stations individual and owned by fuel companies. All of our candles can be can easily find in our webside.

Additionally, we offer our customers SPORT ACCESSORIES. We import and manufacture goggles, helmets, ski sticks and other sport equipment which you can easily find in our webside.